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Farming more sustainably by managing soil acidity

Acid soils are a major cause of land degradation, threatening the productivity of agricultural soils in North East Victoria.  

Nearly half of the five million hectares of Victorian land affected by very acidic topsoil, as  measured by a low soil pH, are found in the North East region.  

Private landholders create homes for endangered birds

Private landholders in North East Victoria have raised their hands to help create and improve habitat to help two nationally endangered birds to thrive in the region.

Major funds available to support wildlife after the bushfires

Australia’s largest wildlife rescue organisation, WIRES has teamed up with Landcare Australia to offer small grants from a pool of $1 million to help develop relief and recovery plans that will provide best solutions to assist wildlife surviving the recent catastrophic bushfires across Australia. 

Grants of up to $20,000 are available for each project from the pool

North East CMA leading wildlife recovery in Victorian Alps

An estimated one billion native animals perished in the horrendous bushfires that engulfed South East Australia including much of North East Victoria. Native animal populations will need considerable assistance in coming months to recover, particularly on the back of severe drought conditions. 

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is working with key partners to address the impacts of the fires in the alpine area of the catchment. This project is supported through the Australian Government’s Wildlife and Habitat Bushfire Recovery Program. 

Autumn count for Wild Pollinators

Watch a flower, record what you see, and be part of the next count for the Wild Pollinators project commencing Sunday 12 April. 

Each count should take ten minutes, and participants can do as many counts as they can until Sunday 19 April, mainly on fine days (as most insect pollinators don’t like poor weather). 

The Wild Pollinator Project website has Frequently Asked Questions and other resources to help identify the insects seen. Participants can also share their photos of pollinators on the iNaturalistpage, or on social media via #ozpollinators 

