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Conservation pays - landholders invited to help endangered woodland birds

A Bush for  Birds  Round 2  funding  opportunity  has  been announced that  will  help landholders  in North East  Victoria  create  and improve  habitat  for  Regent  Honeyeaters  and Swift  Parrots,  two  nationally endangered birds. 

Controlling feral animals vital for tiny possum’s recovery

Controlling populations of feral cats and foxes in the Victorian Alps is vital for the survival and recovery of the endangered Mountain Pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus).

These tiny animals, the only marsupial known to hibernate over winter in Australia, are only found above 1,400 metres altitude among the boulders of Victoria’s highest peaks.

Online look at climate change across Victoria

Two online presentations will address current and possible future climatic conditions that are likely in 2050 across Victoria this week.

Climate experts from the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) will provide overviews from the state-wide Climate Science Report 2019 as well as climate projections for each region including North East Victoria.

Protecting the Basin’s natural water filter

The Alpine Peatlands are crucial for moderating and filtering water flowing from the Victorian snowfields into our waterways and the Murray Darling Basin.   

By maintaining hydrology of surrounding environments, healthy peatlands create a healthy water source for the southern Basin and the communities and industries that depend on this water.  

Endangered wildlife receives helping hand after Black Summer fires

Feral cats, deer and red foxes were actively targeted over 8,900 hectares of key habitat throughout the North East, using such management tools as baiting, trapping and shooting through a project supported by the North East CMA.  

Foxes and feral cats were controlled to protect the endangered Mountain Pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus) in key locations near the Mt Hotham Alpine Resort and in the Alpine National Park. 

