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2021 Victorian Landcare Grants Now Open

Application details published on North East CMA website

Volunteers helping to protect and restore Victoria’s land and environment can now apply for a funding boost, thanks to the Victorian Government.

Groups and networks can apply for project grants of up to $30,000 for on-ground works, education and capacity building projects that help to improve Victoria’s environment for future generations.

Support grants of up to $500 are also available for new and existing groups and networks to assist with operating costs for Landcare and environmental volunteering across the state.

This funding will be delivered through Victoria’s 10 catchment management authorities (CMAs), demonstrating the important environmental outcomes that can be achieved through collaboration between CMAs, environmental groups, local communities, and the government.

North East CMA Chief Executive Officer, Katie Warner, said the Victorian Landcare Grants aimed to fund projects that addressed local, regional and state land and environment priorities.

Ms Warner said they also aimed to sustain Landcare and other environmental volunteer groups and networks by providing support grants, particularly for those groups whose continuing existence would benefit from this support.

“We want to work closely with the Landcare groups and networks within our region to help them to meet land and environment goals that are developed within our communities,” she said.

The Victorian Landcare Grants support the implementation of Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s long-term plan to protect our environment, and Victorians Volunteering for Nature – Environmental Volunteering Plan.

Applications close 5pm Wednesday 16 June.

For more information go to Victorian Landcare Grants (necma.vic.gov.au)


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