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Accounts Payable

Timely payment of invoices depends on providing accurate NECMA purchase order references, using correct attachments, and sending your account to the correct email address.

How we pay for goods and services

Invoices for goods or services ordered by us must include a CMA issued purchase order number.

If a CMA issued purchase order number is not included on your invoice, there may be delays in processing your inoive. 

Please contact your CMA representative if you have not been provided with a purchase order number.

Send invoices to

Email as an attached PDF to accounts@necma.vic.gov.au 

Please ensure the postal address on all invoices is:

North East CMA
PO Box 616

All payment terms commence from the receipt of a correctly rendered invoice.

Update your details or general accounts enquiries

To update your details in our system or any other general accounts related enquiries:



The Victorian Government has made an ongoing commitment to pay invoices to its suppliers within 10 business days of receiving a correct invoice. The reforms to the government's Fair Payment Policy apply to contracts under $3 million that are entered into from 1 January 2021. For more information about the fair payments policy, please visit on the Jobs, Precincts and Regions website.