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North East Regional Catchment Strategy

The new North East Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) 2021-27 provides a long-term vision and blueprint for investment into, and management of natural resources for north east Victoria. It reflects the responses of those living, working, visiting and connecting with the region, who were asked for their vision for north east Victoria's land, water, biodiversity and community resources.

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Natural Resources Management Plan 2021

The Natural Resource Management (NRM) Plan provides an overview of landscape conditions in north east Victoria and a strategic approach to targeting future investments in the region relative to the Australian Government’s Regional Landcare Program (RLP) 5-year Outcomes. Guided by a resilience approach to NRM planning, this plan identifies investment priorities for improving biodiversity, species conservation, land management practices and climate adaptation responses in the region.

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North East Waterway Strategy

The North East Waterway Strategy sets a vision for management of waterways across the North East region. The Strategy is a blueprint to guide the planning and management of waterways across the region. The Strategy is designed to support people who need to make decisions about the management of rivers, floodplains and wetlands across the region.

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North East Sustainable Irrigation Plan

The North East Sustainable Irrigation Plan sets the strategic direction and identifies activities to ensure sustainable irrigation in the region now and into the future.

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Our Catchments Our Communities Strategy

Our Catchments, Our Communities is the first statewide strategy for integrated catchment management in Victoria. It has been developed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and catchment management authorities (CMAs) to strengthen integrated catchment management across Victoria. Our Catchments, Our Communities confirms the Victorian Government's commitment to managing our catchments to benefit our environment, our community and our economy. It is focused on how we ma

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