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Expressions of Interest or Applications for these grants have now closed.

Victorian Landcare Grants 2024

The Victorian Government is providing funding to support Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks for on-ground works, education, and capacity building projects that protect, enhance, and restore our land and natural environment. Applications close 5pm, Tuesday 30 April 2024.

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On Farm Emissions Action Plan pilot

The On-Farm Emissions Action Plan Pilot will support up to 250 farm businesses over the next three years to estimate their emissions profile and identify actions to manage and reduce emissions on farm.

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Incentives for Irrigation Farmers 2023-24

Expressions of interest are being sought from irrigators in the North East CMA region and the Goulburn Broken CMA dryland region to access financial incentives to assist with purchasing irrigation scheduling equipment or to develop an Irrigation Drainage and Environment Plan (IDEP) to increase water use efficiency. EOIs close on 24 November 2023.

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Primary Producer Flood Recovery Package

Farmers in Victoria affected by last year’s storms and floods now have more time to apply for flood recovery financial support, including grants of up to $75,000, concessional loans and assistance with transport costs. Applications close 13 July.

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BushBank EOIs open

The Victorian Government’s $77 million BushBank program is addressing climate change and supporting wildlife as it restores more than 20,000 hectares of land across Victoria. EOIs close 31 July 2023.

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Nuffield farmer scholarships now open

Scholarships of $35,000 are available to farmers through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and Nuffield Australia. Applications close on 9 June 2023.

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2022-23 Upper Ovens Waterway Incentives

Funding has been made available as part of the Victorian Government's EC5 Waterway Health Program "Uncovering the Ovens" program from the North East Catchment Managment Authority (CMA) to assist landholders and community groups to improve the health of waterways and catchments on the Barwidgee and Happy Valley Creeks. EOIs close 3 April 2023.

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2022-23 Upper Mitta Mitta Waterway Incentives

Funding has been made available as part of the Victorian Government’s EC5 Waterway Health Program ‘Upper Mitta Mitta Flagship Program’ from the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) to assist landholders and community groups to improve the health of waterways and catchments in the Upper Mitta Mitta. EOIs close 24 April 2023.

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Lower Kiewa River - Murray Darling Healthy Rivers Program

Expressions of interest are being sought for Woody Weed Control and Revegetation Incentives under this program. Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups (KCLG) has partnered with the North East CMA on this project to deliver woody weed control, revegetation and fencing activities for the reach of the river from Kiewa River to the High Country Rail Trail crossing on the river near Baranduda. EOIs close on 11 February 2023.

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2022-24 Sustainable Irrigation Grants

Expressions of interest are being sought from the irrigation industry and community groups in the North East CMA region to support their farming enterprises. Grants between $20,000 and $40,000 (ex GST) are available under the North East Sustainable Irrigation Framework project to improve the resilience and adaptability of North East Victoria’s irrigation sector to variable water availability and climate change. EOIs close on 12 December 2022.

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Soil Health Community Grants

Funding is available under the Securing North East Soils Through Knowledge Exchange project to support community groups across the region to undertake activities to increase awareness and adoption of land management practices that improve and protect the condition of soil, biodiversity and vegetation in the region.

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Community Leadership Program

The 8-day Disaster Recovery and Climate Change Adaptation Leadership Program will be delivered over five months from August 2022, aimed at developing leadership skills and capacity to work with rural communities in leading change. Applications close on Friday 8 July 2022.

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Bob Hawke Landcare Award

Nominations for the Bob Hawke Landcare Award close on 5 June. Find out how to nominate.

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BushBank private land restoration and protection

The Victorian Government is seeking expressions of interest from suitable organisations which can deliver an ambitious program to revegetate and restore at least 20,000 hectares of native habitat across private land in Victoria. Expressions of interest close on 30 May 2022.

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BushBank First Peoples grants

Traditional Owners are important partners in the BushBank program, with opportunities to lead and participate in habitat restoration and carbon markets. $14.5 million will be available via grants to support Aboriginal self-determination and Traditional Owner participation in restoration and carbon markets. Applications close on 15 May 2022

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Traditional Owner Cultural Fire Grants

Traditional Owners will lead the way for Cultural land and fire management practices with the support of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Traditional Owner Cultural Fire Grants program. Grants close 13 May 2022.

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Bush for Birds - Expressions of Interest Open

North east Victorian landholders can apply for funding to create and improve habitat for Regent Honeyeaters and Swift Parrots, two nationally endangered birds. Expressions of Interest for funding under Round 3 of the Bush for Birds project are now open until 10 September 2021. The North East CMA is delivering this project in partnership with Trust for Nature. So far, 65 private landholder sites across north east Victoria, covering more than 1800 ha, have already been supported.

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Incentives for Irrigation Farmers 2021

Expressions of interest are being sought from irrigators in the North East CMA region to access financial incentives to assist with the purchase of irrigation scheduling equipment or to undertake an Irrigation Drainage and Environment Plan (IDEP) with the aim to increase water use efficiency. EOIs close on 15 December 2021.

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Biodiversity Bushfire Recovery Grants

Funding has been provided by the Victorian Government in response to the impact of the 2019-20 bushfires for the Biodiversity Bushfire Recovery Grants, to support the communities most heavily affected with their bushfire recovery efforts.

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Lower Kiewa Catchment Stewardship Project

The Lower Kiewa Catchment Stewardship Project - Connecting People and Landscape, is a three-year project with the objective of coordinating NRM planning and activities, strengthening networks and building capacity of the community and Traditional Owners to improve the health of the lower Kiewa.

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