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Actions and Achievements Reports

The Victorian Catchment Management Authorities Actions and Achievements Report provides a standardised ‘output’ approach to reporting actions delivered annually by each of the ten Victorian Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs); through partnerships with government agencies, industry, land managers and the wider community.        

The first of these reports, which was released in 2013-14, focused on documenting the actions delivered under Victorian Government funding.  From 2014-15 we have built on this approach by also including outputs achieved through Commonwealth and ‘other’ funding sources.

The report forms part of the monitoring of programs by each CMA board and will be submitted to Government and community each year.

NEW! 2023 Actions and Achievements Report (10th anniversary edition)

Download the report here

Download the summary here

2022 Actions and Achievements Report

Download here:

2020-21 Actions and Achievements Report

Download the report here

2019-20 Actions and Achievements Report click here

2018-19 Actions and Achievements Report

To read the report click here (10mb pdf)

2017-18 Actions and Achievements Report

To read the report click here  (9MB PDF)


2016-17 Actions and Achievements Report

To read the report click here



2015-16 Actions and Achievements Report

Download the report click here (10MB Pdf)



2014-15 Actions and Achievements Report

Read report online click here


Download the report click here (11MB Pdf)