King River Rehabilitation Plan - Have Your Say
Improving the health of the King River
The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is developing a Rehabilitation Plan for the King River. This Plan will use existing and new information to guide future investment in and along the river as it becomes available. Central to developing the plan is capturing community and stakeholder concerns, priorities, and aspirations, for the King River. Engagement of the community and stakeholders in the project is being led by the CMA with support from Water Technology.
The Plan is being developed to address damage from recent flooding and to understand the future impacts of climate change such as more frequent and severe weather events.
Phill Falcke, the Project Officer responsible for leading the development with the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) said: “We are seeing significant damage caused more often by flooding from extreme weather events.
“This Plan will identify the most vulnerable areas, examine our methods of management and stewardship, and help us prepare and prioritise future actions that will guide government investment into the King River as it becomes available.”
We know the King River is an important part of your life, and that it's also important for many different environmental, social, cultural, and economic reasons. That's why we'd love to hear what you have to say about how we can maintain and improve these values.

How to have your say
1. Via the survey
The survey consists of 5 questions and should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete.
It is focused on understanding what aspects of the health, amenity and recreational use of these waterways are most important to you (your priorities) and which we are most concerned about.
The Rehabilitation Plan will then develop a set of short-, medium-, and long-term actions to address them. The survey closes 30 April 2024.
Access the survey at
2. Via the interactive map
This online map has been developed to collect information for the Rehabilitation Plan for the King River area.
The map allows you to mark the locations of concerns or priorities you have regarding your local waterways, and provide comments which will assist us in understanding and categorising these issues.
You can add comments and attach photos or other files to provide further information about the location. You can specify whether it is a concern or a priority (or both) that you are identifying, and you can add some general comments, and any specific comments around the concerns or priorities.
Access the interactive map here
3. Attend the drop-in sessions
Community input on the King River Rehabilitation Plan is being sought at three drop-in sessions being held on 29 and 30 April.
The details are:
- Monday 29 April
- Oxley Shire Hall, 1157 Snow Rd; 10am – 1pm
- Moyhu Soldiers Memorial Hall, 24-26 Bartley St; 2pm – 5pm
- Tuesday 30 April
- Cheshunt Public Hall, 454 King Valley Rd; 10am – 1pm
The project is being led by the North East CMA with support from Water Technology, and is a Victorian State Government initiative.
For more information, contact:
Phill Falcke
Senior Project Officer
North East Catchment Management Authority
0429 400 411
