The Lower Kiewa catchment area includes a wide range of farming, urban, and natural landscapes from Gundowring downstream to the junction of the Kiewa and Murray Rivers, including Yackandandah and Middle Creek subcatchments.
The Kiewa River is a major river system in north east Victoria and features many important places, valued for their natural and agricultural landscapes. The Country of the Lower Kiewa catchment is also important to its Traditional Owners and First Nations Peoples, and is rich in cultural heritage.
Stewardship Action Plan for the Lower Kiewa
A Stewardship Action Plan is being prepared to guide management of land, water and biodiversity values in the Lower Kiewa catchment. This is an opportunity to support the community to connect and collaborate in catchment stewardship.
The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is leading the development of the Stewardship Action Plan with input from a broader group of stakeholders, government and non-government organisations and the community.
RM Consulting Group (RMCG) have been engaged to support the North East CMA in the preparation of the Action Plan.
Middle Creek field day - 30 August 2023
The 'Our Catchments, Our Communities' Lower Kiewa Stewardship Project Steering Committee had the opportunity last month to attend a field day at Middle Creek, Baranduda. The day was supported by North East CMA and hosted by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and Baranduda Landcare Group (BLG).
The field day provided the opportunity for the committee to view the successful outcomes of stewardship in the Lower Kiewa Catchment, exemplified in this case by BLG.
Through several different grants and volunteer hours, BLG have been able to convert sections of the once willow infested and eroding Middle Creek into valuable riparian corridor through extensive revegetation and weed management practices. See photos above on right hand side from 2016, 2017 and 2023 (photos provided by Glen Johnson - Baranduda Landcare).
During the field day, the committee delved into the importance of strategically planning for catchment restoration, supporting catchment stewardship as land managers and discussed the benefits, challenges and considerations associated with waterway restoration.
The North East CMA as part of the Lower Kiewa Stewardship project is looking to further support BLG in their efforts and continue to use Middle Creek as a case study to replicate across other waterways in the Lower Kiewa catchment.
Contact Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups if you would like to become involved with a similar restoration project.