The Northern Victorian Irrigation Development Guidelines (Guidelines) provide guidance for government agencies to process applications for new irrigation development.
This includes:
- The roles and responsibilities of agencies
- The communication protocols between agencies
- The relevant legislation that underpins the approval to issue new, planning approvals, works licences, wateruse licences, or take and use licences with site specific conditions (including annual use limits) that reflect the outcomes of the approvals processes
- The approval processes used by agency staff
- The development standards required to manage impacts on the environment and other values
- Linkages to other environmental or cultural heritage protection measures and agencies. Interagency cooperation will be integral to the assessment and approval process.
This is undertaken by the New Irrigation Development Group (NIDG), which is made up of representatives from the Agriculture Victoria (AgVic), Goulburn Murray Water (GMW), Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) and the relevant Catchment Management Authority (CMA).
The NIDG is also supported by Parks Victoria (PV) and Aboriginal Victoria (AV) on matters of relevance.
An Irrigation Development Coordinator (IDC) from Agriculture Victoria coordinates the NIDG and it meets on an as needs basis to discuss new applications and relevant issues.
Clear communication protocols between agencies and clarity on the GMW contact(s) for the IDGs is critical for effective operation.
These guidelines are reviewed at regular intervals, or on an as needs basis, to ensure they remain relevant to contemporary needs and legislative changes. The last guidelines were prepared in 2007.
Northern Victorian Irrigation Development Guidelines Factsheets