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Media Releases

River Bank Stability Project Underway at Ovens

8 February 2019

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is implementing a large river bank stability project on the Ovens River in Ovens, near Selzers Lane, approximately 5km south east of Myrtleford. The works will address significant bank erosion issues that resulted from flooding experienced in 2016. The works are part of a larger program to address the impacts of the 2016 flooding in the mid-Ovens area.  

Kelly Behrens, Manager Program Implementation with the North East CMA, said “Following the initial rockwork, the CMA will also fence and revegetate the site that extends around 250m in different sections across the project site. These works aim to maintain the Ovens River in its current flow path and reduce the risk of the Ovens River breaking out to join Happy Valley Creek above Myrtleford.”

The works are funded by the Victorian State Government.

The project requires a large number of truck movements along the Great Alpine Road. There may also be some raised dust, as a result of truck movements. A dust suppression strategy has been implemented to try to minimise inconvenience to local residents.

The rockworks began in early January and are expected to be complete by 9 February. The site will then be revegetated and fenced.

For further information contact the North East CMA on 1300 216 513.


Photo: Rock armouring being placed on the Ovens River


Author: Anonym

Categories: Media ReleaseNumber of views: 4674

