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Advice for Grazing Grassy Woodlands


The Grazing Tool for Managing Grassy Woodlands and Grasslands of Northern Victoria will help identify the potential benefits of grazing and outlines the rules of thumbs to assist monitoring of grazing impacts. The Tool also provides guidance on when not to graze and descriptions of terms, common definitions and references to assist you with native species identification.

Step 1: Read the General Grazing Guide
Step 2: Determine which of the seven vegetation states most closely matches your grassy woodlands or grasslands site
Step 3: Use the general guide and the site specific guide for your relevant vegetation state to inform your grazing decisions and improve the health of your site The information provided is based on current literature and field experience and is intended as guidance requiring adjustment to suit local conditions.

Download the Guide below for more information

Grazing Tool for Managing Grassy Woodlands and Grasslands of Northern Victoria