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Media Releases

Fish numbers and recreational fishing opportunities to increase with commitment to Target One Million

North East CMA is excited by the opportunities presented by the Victorian Government's commitment to deliver its $46 million Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to grow participation to one million anglers by 2020.

Recent flooding an opportunity to test flood modelling

Recent flooding in the Wangaratta area has allowed predictive flood modelling to be tested by North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA), Rural City of Wangaratta and Water Technology.

Waterway Health Data a Possibility Thanks to Citizen Science

North East CMA have released the 2015/16 North East Waterwatch Annual Data Report.

Wodonga School Environment - A Celebration

Reducing waste, Renewable energy, caring for our water ways, understanding biodiversity and sustainable living will be among the topics of a major environmental education event coming up in Wodonga.

The year ahead for environmental water in northern Victoria

The Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH) has released its plan for watering in 2016-17.

