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In procuring goods and services, it is important that North East CMA ensure that businesses engaged are:

  • Good value.
  • Competent.
  • Safe.
  • Employ Aboriginal people and meet cultural heritage requirements (where applicable).
  • Meet and exceed environmental requirements.
  • Meet community expectations.

In selecting the businesses from which the CMA procure goods and services from, North East CMA seeks to ensure that procurement opportunities are:

  • Open to all appropriate businesses.
  • Are assessed objectively.
  • Meet community expectations.
  • Don’t expose the CMA to the risk of, or perception of favouritism, fraud or other inappropriate activities.
Procurement Activity Plan

North East CMA's planned procurement activity for at least the next 12-18 months is summarised in the following document.

Procurement Activity Plan 2023-24

This plan is prepared in response to a Victorian Government Purchasing Board policy requiring departments to publish a summary forecast of planned procurement activities for each financial year.

Please note that:

  • All tenders will be issued on the Victorian Government Tenders System. Suppliers interested in participating in any of the public procurement activities should regularly monitor the Buying for Victoria.
  • All North East CMA planned procurement projects are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in the Procurement Activity Plan is provided for planning purposes only. The plan does not represent a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by North East CMA to purchase the described goods or services.
  • This plan is updated annually and was last updated on 8/09/2023.
Guide for Suppliers

Suppliers must ensure that they and their employees, workers, representatives, suppliers, and subcontractors comply with the standards of conduct set out in the guide and in other contractual obligations to the CMA.

Suppliers when entering an arrangement with the North East CMA will be provided a copy of the general conditions for the provision of services & supply of goods. These conditions are based on the Victorian Government Procurement Board standard conditions templates.

Goods and Services Standard Templates


Supplier Code of Conduct

All CMA suppliers acknowledge that:

    1. the Victorian State Government (the State) is committed to ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement;
    2. the State has a Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) that describes the State's minimum expectations of the conduct of its suppliers in relation to:
      1. integrity;
      2. ethics and conduct;
      3. conflicts of interest;
      4. gifts, benefits and hospitality;
      5. corporate governance;
      6. labour and human rights;
      7. health and safety; and
      8. environmental management;
    3. the expectations set out in the Code are not intended to reduce, alter or supersede any other obligations which may be imposed by any applicable contract, law, regulation or otherwise;
    4. to ensure that the Code remains current and relevant, it may be amended or updated by the State; and
    5. the Code includes an ongoing expectation that suppliers (including my organisation) will raise concerns or otherwise seek clarification in relation to any aspects of the Code, including any updates or amendments to the Code.

Suppliers will:

    1. confirm that the State's expectations of suppliers as set out in the Code are understood;
    2. provide a commitment that if selected to supply goods and / or services to any State department or public body my organisation will:
      1. periodically check with reasonable frequency for updates and amendments to the Code; and
      2. aspire to meet the State's expectations of Suppliers as set out in the Code, including as updated or amended by the State.
State Purchase Contracts

North East CMA may use State Procurement Contracts from time to time for relevant services.

Suppliers can apply to become a part of state panels allowing for the opportunity to be a supplier for North East CMA and other state organisations. Suppliers can join state panels through the Buying for Victoria website.


Disclosure of Contracts

North East CMA will disclose the key details for contracts with a total estimated value equal to or exceeding $100,000 (Including GST) within 60 days of the award of a contract on the contract publishing system, the Buying for Victoria Tenders Portal.


North East CMA requests for tenders and RFQs above $100k (including GST) for contracts are available from the Buying for Victoria Tenders Portal. Other state government department tenders are also advertised at this site.

North East CMA further run a panel process for contractors to be on our 'On-ground works  - Plant and Equipment, Riparian Restoration, Fencing, Revegetation' every three 2-3 years. This is posted on the Buying for Victoria Tenders Portal with the next panel scheduled for 2026..

Social and Environmental Procurement Considerations

North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is committed to achieving the objectives of Victoria’s Social Procurement Framework (SPF) that aims to ensure value-for-money considerations are not solely focused on price but encompass opportunities to deliver social and sustainable outcomes that benefit the Victorian community. This includes environmental considerations that is often referred to as sustainable procurement.

This information sheet outlines North East CMA’s Social and Environmental Procurement Objectives, how it is incorporated into the procurement process and how suppliers may demonstrate their social and environmental credentials.

Social Procurement Consideration

Social procurement relates to using the Victorian Government’s purchasing power to generate social benefits, adding value to procurement outcomes and supporting supplier and workforce diversity.

Social benefit from procurement, can be described as the positive impacts on people, places or communities generated through procurement practices.

Social benefits might include:

  • promoting more diverse and inclusive workforces
  • creating training and employment opportunities
  • promoting social inclusion, fair trade and social and service innovation
  • encouraging local economic development and growth and the use of social benefit suppliers
  • helping people to participate in the community and the economy
  • engaging small-to-medium enterprises and social benefit suppliers, providing them with the same opportunities as other businesses.

North East CMA has incorporated into its procurement processes social procurement considerations as outlined in its Social Procurement Strategy.

Social Procurement will be incorporated into the processes of the CMA through:

  • Incorporation into the Procurement Strategy.
  • Development of Social Procurement KPIs that are reported annually through the annual report.
  • In the stages of reviewing the procurement requirements and plan for the approach to market.
  • Identification of possible Social Procurement Suppliers as part of the procurement plan.
  • Terms and conditions of agreements to include supplier code of conduct provisions.
  • A signed Supplier Code of Conduct registration form.

North East CMA has prioritised the three SPF objectives based on its core procurement profile and its regional location as highlighted in the following table:

  1. Opportunities for Victorian Aboriginal people
  2. Women’s equality and safety   
  3. Sustainable Victorian social enterprise and Aboriginal business sectors

For more information in relation to the Victorian Government’s Social Procurement Framework please visit https://www.buyingfor.vic.gov.au/social-procurement-victorian-government-approach

Environmental Procurement Consideration

All procurement has some level of impact on the environment that needs to be minimised to ensure sustainable procurement practices.

Sustainable procurement practices may include:

  • maximising recyclable/recovered content;
  • minimising waste and greenhouse gas emissions;
  • conserving energy and water;
  • minimising habitat destruction and environmental degradation; and
  • providing non-toxic solutions.

The greatest opportunity to influence environmental outcomes is by selecting products and services with the least ongoing environmental impacts, such as use of water, electricity and fuel, waste/disposal management, and impact on human health over the life of the product or service. The lifecycle stages that impact on the environment and should be considered are outlined below.

To reduce the North East CMA’s environmental impact, focus will be on: 

  • Ensuring works specifications include climate change, circular economy and environmental considerations.
  • Sustainable procurement including use of recycled products.
  • Managing unnecessary consumption to reduce waste.
  • Taking a whole of life approach to assessing the extent of environmental impacts.
  • Building environmental considerations into the value for money assessment of a procurement activity.
  • where appropriate, engaging with suppliers who are committed to better environmental performance. This may include assessment and preference to suppliers who:
    • Have established their base carbon footprint and have reduced the volume of emissions released over time.
    • Have goods that are certified to a desired environmental standard i.e. paper products that have no bleach in the manufacturing process and are made from sustainable sources.
    • Are certified to ISO 14001.
    • Have an Environmental Management System that indicates the extent of their environmental awareness.
    • Are involved in voluntary industry initiatives to reduce land fill waste.
    • Have not been prosecuted for breaches of EPA legislation.
    • Can demonstrate the inclusion of recycled content in their materials.

How Can Suppliers Demonstrate Social and/Or Environmental Credentials

North East CMA will incorporate a minimum of 5% each for Social Procurement and Environmental Procurement when evaluating of Requests for Quotes and Requests for Tenders. For some procurement activities, specific social or environmental requirements will be drafted into the procurement specifications/scope. Suppliers are also asked to incorporate their credentials in these areas through their response to the invitation to supply documents. Suppliers should utilise the above North East CMA objectives when crafting their response and how they align. This includes, where applicable, evidence to support any claims.

Complaints Management

To maintain high standards of probity, complaints in relation to the procurement process will be handled in a consistent, fair and transparent manner. Complaints will ideally be resolved—to the satisfaction of both parties—within the organisation.

Complaints must be in writing to be a valid request and cannot be made verbally. All complaints relating to purchasing are to be written and addressed to:

Finance Manager

Via email to necma@necma.vic.gov.au

The complaint should articulate succinctly the nature of the complaint and any background information to support initial review of the complaint.

The Complaints process will be managed in line with the below process:

  1. Complainant lodges a complaint in the prescribed form as above.
  2. Within 5 working days the Organisation acknowledges receipt of complaint. Acknowledgement indicates as a minimum; 
  • Contact person 
  • Process to be taken by organisation 
  • Approximate timeline to address the matter 
  • Any further points of clarification required
  1. Does the organisation require the services of external parties to advise on elements of the complaint? 

If yes, go to step 4 

If no, go to step 5 

  1. Extension of time based on number of working days between the request for, and receipt of, additional information and / or advice sought. 
  2. Within 20 working days the Organisation addresses complaint and informs complainant of findings and whether it intends to take any further action.

Inform the complainant of other Government Bodies that may assist including:

  1. Office of Small Business Commissioner www.vsbc.vic.gov.au/
  2. Office of the Ombudsman www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au/

Inform the complainant of their right to pursue the matter with the VGPB.

  1. Does complainant accept the finding? 

If yes, go to step 7. 

If no, go to step 8 

  1. End of process 
  2. Complainant chooses to pursue matter with the VGPB 
  3. Within 5 working days the Organisation informs the VGPB of any complaint that could not be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. 


Where it is found that North East CMA have made an error, North East CMA will take steps to redress the situation. Possible remedies include, but are not limited to

  • An explanation of why the error occurred and the steps taken to prevent it happening again
  • A reversal of a decision
  • Providing the means of redress requested by the complainant
  • A genuine apology

The North East CMA will disclose in its annual report the following information in relation to each complaint received:

  • the procurement activity to which the complaint relates; and
  • the status of the complaint confirming whether it:
  • was resolved;
  • is still under investigation; or
  • could not be resolved.