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Monday, 5 April 2021

EOIs close 21 May 2021 - Developing community leaders for times of need

A new leadership training course seeks to develop leaders who will be available to north east Victoria communities in times of need, such as the 2019-20 bushfires and supporting climate change adaptation.

The eight-day program will be delivered by the Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Inc. It is supported by North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA), through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and the Victorian Government, in partnership with Central Hume Primary Care Partnership and the Gardiner Foundation.

Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator with North East CMA, Lachlan Campbell, said those prepared to stand with their communities when disaster strikes should consider this course.

“They will have the opportunity to learn from some of the best climate modellers to understand the changes expected in the weather patterns in north east Victoria, as well as what these changes might mean for their community, agricultural business and environment,” Mr Campbell said.

“They can learn what other communities are doing to support disaster recovery and climate change adaptation. They will join a network leading change towards 2050.”

Former federal independent member for Indi, Cathy McGowan AO, was a keynote speaker at the 2020 Bushfire Forum in Beechworth, which nominated the important role leadership courses play in equipping communities managing through, and recovering from fires and flood, disease and disasters.

The forum also highlighted the opportunities these courses bring in building networks across communities, states and between towns and cities.

“These networks can be the foundation for renewal,” Ms McGowan said.

“In these times it is vital that all of us turn up, speak up and step into leadership roles. Courses such as these show us how. They teach skills, build networks and help us exercise our courage muscles as well as bringing confidence and opportunity to our businesses, families and industries.

“May I encourage north east Victoria community members and their families to consider doing this course; particularly young people.”

Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Executive Officer, Jacqui Bramwell said training will be delivered by experts who will guide participants through an experiential program focused on leading their community through change.

Ms Bramwell said the program will be delivered over seven months from June 2021.

More information on the program is available at www.avclp.org.au/programs-and-courses/dr-climate-change-program/. The cost is $100 per person. Registrations close on 21 May 2021.

Those interested should complete the Expressions of Interest form that can be downloaded at the AVCLP website and return it via email to eo@avclp.org.au.

Inquiries on the leadership program can be made to Ms Bramwell on 0417 348 547.


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