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Saturday, 4 November 2023

North East CMA welcomes new board members

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has welcomed three new board members with the recently announced round of Ministerial appointments to the boards of Water Corporations and CMAs. 

The three new Board Members bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the board. They are:  

Brendan Foran -  Brendan is an experienced CEO, Chair and Non-Executive Director having worked extensively in environmental, utilities and manufacturing industries.   Brendan was most recently CEO of Greening Australia (Nov 2011 – Aug 2023), and has also served on boards such as NatureCo, Canopy (as Chair), Nindethana Australian Seeds (Chair), Australian Land Conservation Alliance (Chair).  Locally, Brendan has been on the Board of North East Water and the Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE. 

Dr Ashlen (Ash) Francisco -  Ashis a proud Wiradjuri person, who recently completed a PhD in NSW Aboriginal History at the Wollotuka Institute at the University of Newcastle. She now works with Dilin Duwa Centre for Indigenous Business Leadership in engagement and ensures the Centre, and its services, remain responsive to business and community wants and needs. Her interests span from historically guided restorative justice to amplifying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurial spirit through shared experiences.  Ash is also the founder of NgaYarra, an Aboriginal led business that offers an environmentally centred humanist approach to business strategy and development. 

Dr Elisa Raulings -  Elisa has just launched her own biodiversity-focused company, Woop Woop for Nature.  In the years leading up to establishing this business, Elisa worked as the Science & Planning Manager – Great Southern Landscapes at Greening Australia.  Prior to working for Greening Australia, Elisa worked as a researcher across many disciplines, including pollination ecology, co-evolution of plants and animals, water management, fire recovery and plant dispersal. She has undertaken field work across Australia and South Africa chasing butterflies at day and moths at night, collecting new species of wildflowers and wading through frozen swamps. Elisa is passionate about combining the art of complex restoration with solid science to ensure her work makes a difference on the ground. 

The appointment of Dr Francisco brings to two, the number of First Nations Peoples on the North East CMA board.  

North East CMA Board Chair, Dr Chris Cunningham, said “I am delighted to welcome Brendan, Ash and Elisa to the North East CMA board. Each of these new members have significant relevant expertise and experience that will be of great benefit to our organisation and our work.”  

She also thanked three board members who are retiring from the North East CMA board:  

• Dr Maureen Rogers – who served on the North East CMA board for 12 years  

• Prof Lee Baumgartner – who served on the North East CMA board for 8 years   

• Euan Ferguson – who served on the North East CMA Board for 4 years and will move to a position closer to home, being appointed as Chair of the North Central CMA. 

“I want to warmly thank Maureen, Lee and Euan on behalf of the board, executive and staff of North East CMA for the outstanding contributions they have made during their board tenure and wish them all the best for the future.” 


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