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Media Releases

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Flood works underway on five more high priority cases

The North East CMA is in the process of undertaking flood recovery works on a further five high priority cases in the North East catchment.

The funding for these works comes from the Victorian and Australian Governments as part of the State’s recovery from flooding in October 2022.

The five cases were selected following an assessment process that takes into account any risks, including the threat to public infrastructure and river health if no action is undertaken.

This assessment produces a priority ranking score for each case which enables sites to be compared to maintain a uniform and equitable evaluation process.

Two cases are located on the Ovens River with one of these adjacent to Nimmo Bridge in Myrtleford and the other approximately 600 metres upstream. There are also cases on Tallangatta Creek, Corryong Creek and Upper 15 Mile Creek.

Each of the additional five cases require instream works to stabilise banks involving the placement of timber or rock to protect CMA assets and/or public infrastructure such as bridges. Debris removal is also required to prevent further blockages during future high flow events.

Chief executive officer, Katie Warner said there were more than 40 high priority cases in the Ovens King Blackdog catchment alone and the CMA was working hard to access additional funding for flood recovery including for further damage caused by rainfall events in late 2023.

“We are also regularly communicating the impacts to the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA) which receives information for high level funding bids,” she said.

If landholders wish to undertake self-funded flood recovery works, a Works on Waterway Permit is required. The form is available online and there is no fee to submit the permit application: Works on waterways (necma.vic.gov.au).

When landholders submit a permit application, they will be provided with expert guidance on the planned activities. This ensures the funds landholders allocate for flood recovery works lead to the anticipated and beneficial outcomes for erosion control/bank stabilisation and broader river health.

Landholders can contact the Statutory Planning Team directly at planning@necma.vic.gov.au or phone 1300 216 513.


Categories: General, News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 705

