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North East Environmental Investment Set to Increase

6 June 2016

A regional conservation fund which will support local threatened species and environmental projects, was launched at Charles Sturt University (CSU)/GO Tafe in Wangaratta recently.

The North East Conservation Fund, a join initiative between Trust for Nature and North East Catchment Management Authority (North East CMA), was launched at the North East Environment Forum: Innovation in Landscape Conservation, on May 17.

North East CMA Chair, Lyn Coulston, said the fund will enable locally important environmental projects, such as protecting and enhancing habitat for breeding Brolgas, to proceed.

“The launch of the fund commences an exciting time for conservation and land management in North East Victoria,” she said.

“It’s critical that we provide support for these projects, many of which are led by local communities, and have a positive and lasting benefit for the environment.”

More than 80 people attended the forum which celebrated conservation success stories.
One of the many highlights from the day was the John Paul Memorial Lecture, which was presented by Dr Dale Nimmo from CSU.

Dr Nimmo's address 'Dealing with Multiple Threats: Landscape Innovation for the 21st Century' focused on looking that the role regional land management had in the face of climate change and the potential to 're-wild' Australian landscapes.

Trust for Nature, Chair, Max Ervin said Dr Dale Nimmo's lecture presented compelling ideas in combatting change locally.

"This rise in global temperatures over the past few decades is having an immediate effect on Victoria's biodiversity" Mr Ervin said.

"Dr Nimmo definitely grabbed everyone's attention with the scientific evidence of this fact."
The forum also included presentations from key agencies on fundraising and conservation success stories, Research, and the management of issues such as deer, native fish and carp.

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Senior Biodiversity Officer, Glen Johnson, provided an insight to the successful reintroduction of Macquarie Perch into the Ovens River, while Lee Baumgartner from CSU presented on the wonderful diversity of native fish in our river systems and how this has changed dramatically since our rivers became more regulated. Of great interest was the presentation on Carp Herpes Virus and the new national project by Matt Barwick (NSW Department of Primary Industries).

For further information, or to make a donation to the North East Conservation Fund please contact Trust for Nature's Development Manager, Vanessa Meachen on (03) 8631 5813.

Ms Coulston said the following the success the forum, agencies have agreed to make it an annual event. North East CMA, Trust for Nature, CSU's Institute for Land, Water and Society, the DELWP and Parks Victoria will work in partnership to present Innovation in
Landscape Conservation in 2017.

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