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Funding available to support community-led environmental solutions

27 June 2016

The North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA) has announced an opportunity for landholders and community groups to access a range of Victorian Government funding that aims to support local solutions to environmental challenges in the region.

From 1 July, landholders and community groups across the catchment can submit an expression of interest for projects that will protect waterways and wetlands. Community groups including Landcare Groups and Networks are also invited to submit ideas from groups looking to run events, training, on farm trials and other community projects and works focusing on sustainable natural resource management.

Chief Executive, Mr Neil McCarthy, said NECMA wants to encourage local ideas, innovation and partnerships that will help to protect and improve natural resources in the catchment.

“Local people best understand local priorities and have a passion for protecting their local landscapes, and this will provide greater opportunities for this to happen,” Mr McCarthy said.

“NECMA supports great ideas and encourages new partnerships. We’re inviting expressions of interest because we want to help landholders and community groups link up with financial and other assistance available to them.

Both the Waterways and Wetlands Incentives and the Community Grants expression of interest process will be open until 9:00 AM on Wednesday 31st August.

More information including Expression of Interest fact sheets and forms can be found at www.necma.vic.gov.au or by contacting the NECMA on 1300 216 513.

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