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Deep connection to water captured in new book

19 Sept 2016

North East Catchment Management Authority's (CMA) Lake Omeo & Morass Creek Wetland Management Plan Project will hold a book launch for Released from the Wild on 20 October in Benambra.

The book, created by Craig Dent and the people of Benambra, is a journey through time across the landscape of Benambra and expresses local people's connections to water through photography, poetry and conversations.

North East CMA Project Officer, Rebecca Damm, is inviting Benambra locals to celebrate the book’s launch as this will also be an opportunity to thank local contributors.

Ms Damm said "The launch will be held at the Town Hall in Benambra and we will have entertainment such as a visual presentation, whip cracking, readings from the book and live music." John Walker will be MC for the launch also.

Event details: 20 October 2016, Benambra Town Hall. RSVP by 12 October 2016 to Rebecca on 0429 785 766.

Key highlights of the images and recollections in the book include: watching platypus and water rats while fishing on the Morass; the size of The Morass' tiger snakes, which are the subject of local mythology; and the frequent dry lakebed of Lake Omeo which is better known now for landing planes than for the sailing regattas of the past.

Released from the Wild author, Craig Dent, provided the following description of the book:
"The narrative is from the perspective of a poet who has wandered from the wilderness of the mountains into the blue eyed wonderland of Lake Omeo and Lake King, astride Benambra town.
The theme of the book moves through time and place to create a sense of being there, the first lone black swan on a fence post listening to people speak.

The journey is delivered to a bright possible future of youthful dreams and the resilience of a community who, over decades, have resisted fierce floods and ferocious fires. Water is a wellspring of life and their true source of hope."

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