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Monday, 21 November 2016

New book captures remote town's spirit

21 Nov 2016

A unique North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) community engagement technique has led to the release of a book celebrating the people of Benambra and their connection to the town, each other and the ever changing Lake Omeo.

Author Craig Dent has captured these connections in the book 'Released from the Wild' with a mix of poetry, local tales and an impressive collection of old and new photographs.

North East CMA commissioned Craig Dent to work with the people of Benambra to capture their thoughts, reflections and hopes for this remote community on the shores of Lake Omeo. The lake itself was the source of many a good tale and the book provides an insight into the regattas, birdlife and "ten foot tiger snakes" that have entertained locals for many generations.

Lyn Coulston, OAM, Chairperson, North East CMA, said the CMA dedicated the book to the people of Benambra.

"Their creative work with Craig Dent is a testament to their sense of community and their love of their region" said Ms Coulston, "As chairperson I am very impressed with innovative publication, and it has been a wonderful journey of works and images to explore how they have connected with the natural world in their area."

Ms Coulston travelled to Benambra with North East CMA staff members to officially launch to the book in what was described by several Benambra residents as "the best event [they] have ever had". The launch included a showcase of photography from the book with additional images and music, a whip cracking demonstration and readings of selected passages by some of the

'Released from the Wild' by Craig Dent and the people of Benambra, is out now and available to purchase from the Benambra Neighbourhood Centre.

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