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Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Markwood flood damage to be subject of detailed investigation

18 Jan 2017

North East CMA have announced that a detailed investigation into the cause of a levee breach and bank erosion on the Ovens River at Markwood during the October 2016 flood event will commence in early February.

Following above average rainfall over winter and spring, with numerous moderate to major flood events across North East Victoria, North East CMA staff became aware of significant change in flow patterns in the Ovens River valley through the Markwood area.

Further information was received at the Milawa community Catchment Conversation meeting as well as reports made directly to the CMA from land holders.

Initial investigations have included site visits, capturing aerial imagery via an unmanned aerial vehicle and development of 3D modelling of the failure point via a bathymetric survey.

A geomorphic investigation is now being planned to study the existing floodplain conditions including existing levees, geomorphic processes and to consider management options. This will lead to an improved understanding of the processes that increased the severity of the failure and help shape plans for potential mitigation works in the area.

North East CMA Manager, Program Implementation, Dean Jones said "The North East CMA are keen to work with local landholders to understand the full extent of issues and options relating to this site. This will ensure both short and long term options for remedial works are considered prior to works commencing."

"The investigation will be undertaken at the same time as approval processes are finalised for funding applications under the National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements. This will allow any eligible works to commence in a timely manner" said Mr Jones.

Opportunities for community and landholder input will be publicised prior to any detailed design or works commencing.

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