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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Healthy Catchments Information Kit a hit

1 Feb 2017

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Healthy Catchments Information Kit is a fantastic resource for farmers and other land managers who play a key role in managing our natural resources and are often looking for ways to improve their land management practices.

In discussions with the community, feedback from land managers to CMA staff focused on there not being enough information on undertaking land restoration projects. Available information was often difficult to locate and was not always appropriate for the region.

As a result of this feedback the Healthy Catchments Information Kit (booklet) was developed which provides landholders with the tools to manage their own land improvement projects, ensuring long term resilience, relevant knowledge and skills. The booklet was developed by North East CMA to provide further information for landholders and support them in delivering successful on ground projects, while following state-wide best practice guidelines.

The booklet is a useful resource for land managers and Landcare and community groups working with and managing our natural resources. When the kit was released in late 2016, individuals and groups from within and outside North East Victoria immediately began downloading the pdf version and requesting hardcopies demonstrating that the kit is a much needed and will be a well
utilised resource.

Ms Kelly Behrens, Project Officer from the North East CMA said ‘This is a great resource for land managers wanting to undertake land restoration projects on their properties but are unsure where to begin.’

You can download a copy of the Healthy Catchments Information via North East CMA's website www.necma.vic.gov.au.

The project is supported by the North East CMA through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.

Documents to download

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 9445

