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Embedding climate change in agriculture

New project helps North East land managers capitalise on climate change

Adapting to the challenges presented by climate change can reduce negative effects and allow farmers and other land managers to capitalise on the new opportunities it presents. 


A new Australian Government project Embedding climate change in agriculture aims to help industry identify impacts that are caused by climate change and provide tools to help land managers develop practical strategies for management and capitalisation. 


This project is supported by the North East Catchment Management Authority, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. North East CMA in conjunction with local consultancy Natural Decisions, is coordinating the rollout in north east Victoria.


‘Climate change is a business and economic risk in this region’, said Project Manager, Lachlan Campbell from North East CMA. ‘We have been hearing first hand from industry how the climate has already changed and how it is changing practices and making different business decisions. 


‘Embedding climate adaptation in agricultural practice will help farmers plan ahead and have a strategy for a long-term sustainable farming system,’ said Mr Campbell.


Local cherry farmers Bill and Lois Hotson commented, ‘Adaptation of technology and scale of operation are important. We need to produce better product at lower cost.  Water availability for stock, domestic and irrigated agriculture is critical to sustainability into the future.’ 


Lachlan Campbell went on to say, ‘This project builds on what has been learnt on other projects around the state, and the more we can involve industry and local government in the design and development of the project, the better the outcomes for all.’ 


Mr Campbell advised that further workshops would be held throughout March and encouraged interested landholders to participate. 


‘We are holding sector specific workshops in Tallangatta and Beechworth that will provide industry with the opportunity to be involved in this critical project. For anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the effects of climate change and adapting to new opportunities should not miss these workshops.’ 


Further information on the project may be obtained from the Lachlan Campbell at NECMA at 1300 216 513 or Direct: 02 6043 7672  


Media Contact

Katie Bowker, Media and Communications Coordinator


Ph 0428469 123

Author: Katie Bowker

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5314

