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Workshops explore the future of grape growing and winemaking

A series of workshops in north east Victoria this month will explore the future of grape growing and winemaking in a changing climate.

The Vineyards of the Future workshop series will be hosted by North East Wine Zone. This event is supported by North East Catchment Management Authority, AgBiz Assist and Agriculture Victoria with funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

Supporting native species by managing carp in local waterways

A program initiated by Wangaratta Landcare and Sustainability Inc (WLS Inc) has removed tonnes of carp from the lower Ovens River in the past six years.

The work has been delivered in partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARI) and the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA).

Study finds Mountain Pygmy-possum eats variety of food, Bogong moth remains key

A study commissioned by the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has found the threatened Mountain Pygmy-possum consumes a wide variety of plants and insects during its breeding season and its diet is not confined to the Bogong moth.

The study found the Bogong moth continues to be a key dietary item for the possum during its breeding season and in the rearing of its pouch young. It aimed to determine how important the moths and other food sources are to the possum’s diet throughout the remainder of the year.

Landholders paid to help conserve woodland birds

North east Victorian landholders can apply for funding to create and improve habitat for Regent Honeyeaters and Swift Parrots, two nationally endangered birds.

Draft North East Regional Catchment Strategy open for public comment until 31 August

The draft North East Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) provides a long-term vision and blueprint for investment into and management of natural resources for north east Victoria. It reflects the responses of those who live, work, visit and connect with the region, who were asked for their vision for north east Victoria’s land, water, biodiversity and community resources.

