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Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Important notice - Efarmer Shutting down soon

We have recently been informed that the original Efarmer web based farm mapping system is being shut down on 16th September 2015. 

This is due to a combination of the technology to support e-farmer now being out of date and the funding by DEDJTR to continue its maintenance has ceased.

If you are a user of Efarmer and you wish to save your Efarmer data, there are now instructions on the website here: http://efarmer.spatialvision.com.au/

If you wish to save your map data before eFarmer is shut down, the instructions describe how you can export your map data and load it into Google Earth.

You MUST complete this by Tuesday 15th September to be able to access the information yourself.

The files downloaded from Efarmer are in the Esri Shapefile format, so these can be imported without conversion into other mapping systems, including most commercial Farm Management mapping systems, or ArcGIS and QGIS mapping software if you prefer instead of Google Earth.

For those users who have also recorded fertiliser and soil information for paddocks, DEDJTR will extract these out to an excel file on request.  Instructions for contacting the relevant person to request this information is also on the instruction document above.

DEDJTR will maintain a copy of user's information if they need to access it post the shutdown.

Please note that dairy farmers who are suppliers of Murray Goulburn will have access to a new system and need not worry about this.

Landcare Groups in the North East which have their projects mapped on Efarmer can send their files to the CMA to be loaded onto our mapping portal if required. Please contact Tom Croft if you would like this option.

Author: Anonym

Categories: NewsNumber of views: 10529

