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Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Farm Water: Registration of Interest

Registrations of Interest are now open for projects for Round 5 of the Farm Water Program
(Victorian Farm Modernisation Project - Tranche 2B)

The Commonwealth and Victorian governments have committed to funding $100 million for the Victorian Farm Modernisation Project. The project is being delivered in rounds between 2013 and 2019 across the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District by the Farm Water Program.

Some Eligibility Criteria have changed since last round. Eligibility Criteria and Frequently Asked Questions can be downloaded from the Goulburn Broken CMA website www.gbcma.vic.gov.au.

Registrations for the General Call close 4pm Friday 29th July 2016.
Register on the Goulburn Broken CMA Farm Water Program hotline on (03) 5822 7788.


Documents to download

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