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Funding announcement to support innovative land management practices

The North East Catchment Management Authority is pleased to announce that four local groups will share $30,000 in Mentor Farm grants funded by the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme.

The successful projects will receive funding for a range of activities that will support land managers within the North East CMA region to develop innovative ways of managing their land.

Flood study flows into next phase

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) and Rural City of Wangaratta are pleased to announce that Water Technology has recently been appointed as the successful consultant to deliver the technical investigation of the Wangaratta Urban Waterways Flood Investigation Project.

The Wangaratta Urban Flood Investigation will review and revise current flood mapping for the Wangaratta urban Waterways and update flood intelligence for emergency response.


Funding boost set to help protect Woodlands & Wetlands

Private Landholders will share in just over $127,000 in funding to protect and enhance nationally threatened vegetation communities. The North East CMA will work in partnership with Trust for Nature on these projects which will include a range of activities that will help protect and restore Box Gum Grassy Woodlands and Seasonally Herbaceous Wetlands.

In 2015/16 the Woodlands and Wetlands project will support landholders to restore and manage both Woodlands and Wetlands and provide practical local actions to improve threatened vegetation communities on their properties.

Creating a safe haven for native fish

The Mitta Mitta River Rehabilitation Program coordinated by the North East CMA and funded through the Victorian Government's Recreational Fishing Licence program is now well underway. This three year project is now in its second year, and is playing a vital role in the survival rates and spawning opportunities for native fish by improving in-stream habitat in the river. The North East CMA is currently asking for community input as to where in stream habitat could best be placed for maximum benefit to the native fish and for helping in locating woody debris for the project.


Roll out of funding set to protect natural resources in our region

Landcare groups in North East Victoria will receive over $220,000 for environmental action through the Victorian Landcare Grants. The Victorian Landcare Grants Program supports Landcare and related community groups to undertake projects to protect and restore the Victorian Landscape. Funding for these Grants is provided by the Victorian Government as a way of supporting the community to actively participate in the integrated management and protection of natural resources.

