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Videos point the way to successful revegetation

Do you know what it takes for a successful revegetation project?

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) revegetation video series is now available at Revegetation video series (necma.vic.gov.au).

North East Soil Health Community Grant applications close 1 August

Community groups in North East Victoria with ideas to increase awareness and adoption of land management practices that improve and protect the region’s soils have until 1 August to apply for two grants of up to $7,500 each to deliver their programs.

The North East Soil Health Community Grants are allocated through the Securing North East Soils Through Knowledge Exchange project that supports community groups to undertake activities that increase awareness and adoption of land management practices to improve soil health.

Countdown is on to environment, social and governance (ESG) conference in Wodonga

Southern Riverina producer and seedstock business operator, Lucinda Corrigan says the understanding of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues for corporations has become mainstream in recent years.

“In a sense it is ‘doing well by doing right’. The thinking has extended to industries and Australian primary producers, exposed to the global consumer through long supply chains, has embraced ESG reporting,” Ms Corrigan said.

Alpine Knowledge Share

Traditional Owners met for what would be an historic gathering between Jaithmathang and Gunaikurnai and the first time that several group members had visited their own country.

Revolving around the idea that any solutions to wicked environmental problems are unlikely to be solved in isolation, the two Traditional Owners groups, land managers and scientists came together to share perspectives over a three-day gathering.

Find out more about this gathering on the project review StoryMap.

Click on Alpine Knowledge Share (arcgis.com)

CMAs mark 25 years

Victoria's 10 CMAs came into being on 1 July 1997. This month we celebrate our 25th anniversary.

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, Victoria is divided into 10 catchment management regions and each has a CMA responsible for the integrated planning and coordination of land, water and biodiversity management in their region. The exception is the Port Phillip and Westernport catchment region where it is now Melbourne Water.

Under the Water Act 1989, authorities are designated with specific responsibility for the management of waterways, including roles in drainage and floodplain management.

The designated waterway management authorities are the nine CMAs and Melbourne Water who have the lead role in developing and delivering regional programs for waterway management.

Staff at North East CMA marked the milestone with a celebration lunch and birthday cupcakes, each carrying the logo of one of the 10 CMAs.


