Wangaratta Urban Waterways Flood Investigation Study
The Wangaratta Urban Flood Investigation will review and revise current flood mapping for the Wangaratta urban waterways and update flood intelligence for emergency response. The project area covers the Hume Freeway north to Waldara.
Based on the history of flooding in this area and current pressures, flood risk mapping for Wangaratta’s urban waterways has not been reviewed since 2000. The existing overlays and flood intelligence for the project area is drawn from work undertaken in preparation for the Wangaratta Flood Mitigation Study and the Wangaratta Floodplain Management Strategy between 1996 and 1998. This work is largely based on information from the October 1993 flood event. While these assessments reflected best practice at the time, subsequent changes in hydraulic modelling approach, the availability of improved topographic data and recent flood events provide an opportunity to review and review the existing knowledge base. The Wangaratta Urban Waterways Flood Investigation project will address this opportunity.
This project will also update flood intelligence for Wangaratta’s urban waterways in order to expand the coverage and range of flood mapping for Wangaratta. The flood mapping will provide for high quality, current flood intelligence data that will be able to be included in the Municipal Flood Emergency Plan and local flood guides. To do this the flood intelligence will be required to cover a wide range of possible flood events (as opposed to previous focus on one-in-one-hundred events) and provide action guidance for authorities for these events.
For more information, please contact:
Rebecca Damm (Project Manager)
Phone: 02 6043 7694
This project works within the Urban and Lifestyle Landscapes, as defined in the North East Regional Catchment Strategy

Image: Apex Park, Wangaratta Julian Martin 2010