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Replacement of damaged drainage structure at Norong

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is undertaking the replacement of a badly-damaged drop structure on the Escort Bridge Road drain at Norong near Rutherglen.

The replacement is part of the Rural Drainage Asset Replacement and Repair project funded under the Victorian Government’s Rural Drainage Strategy. This project is restoring the safe function of important drainage infrastructure and helping local landholders to manage their drainage.

The existing drop structure, which was built in 1978, had been heavily damaged by floods in recent years. It provides a much needed stable transition for water draining from the plains of the Norong and Lilliput districts into the Murray River below.

Dean Judd, Manager Waterways and Floodplain Planning at North East CMA is coordinating replacement of the Escort Bridge Road structure.

“The amount of water the drain carries has steadily grown and is now much more than it was originally designed for,” Mr Judd said.

“A number of private feeder drains have been connected to the main drain. Water that would previously take days to infiltrate now reaches the drain in just a few hours.”

Mr Judd said damage to the structure highlighted the importance of landholders working together to coordinate their drainage activities.

The North East CMA is undertaking the construction phase of the project, and expects to complete replacement of the structure by the end of December.


Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 3371

Tags: #CMAsGetItDone#RuralDrainageStrategy
