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Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Lower Kiewa Catchment Stewardship survey seeking public input

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA), together with RM Consulting Group, are inviting landholders in the Lower Kiewa catchment to share their aspirations for the region via an interactive map and survey.

The closing date for the map and link has been extended a week until Wednesday 22 June. There are two components:

  1. The interactive map allows respondents to pinpoint the locations of challenges, values and opportunities on a map. They can also add comments and pictures and interact anonymously with other pinpoints that other people have included.
  2. The questionnaire survey allows respondents to delve deeper and provide more detail with their feedback.

A Stewardship Action Plan is being prepared to guide management of land, water and biodiversity values in the Lower Kiewa catchment. This is an opportunity to support the community to connect and collaborate in catchment stewardship.

The North East CMA are leading the development of the Stewardship Action Plan with input from a broader group of stakeholders, government and non-government organisations and the community.

North East CMA project officer Sam Gitahi said a key part of the action planning process was to capture community aspirations for the health of the Lower Kiewa catchment.

Mr Gitahi said the responses provided in the survey and map will inform the action plan. You can link to the community survey and map at bit.ly/3ac9KFn or scan the QR code: 


The Lower Kiewa catchment area includes a wide range of farming, urban, and natural landscapes from Gundowring downstream to the junction of the Kiewa and Murray Rivers, including Yackandandah and Middle Creek subcatchments.

Funding for landholder and community projects through North East CMA’s Lower Kiewa Catchment Stewardship Project - Connecting people and landscape, a 3-year project with the objective to coordinate NRM planning and activities, strengthen networks and build capacity of the community and Traditional Owners to improve the health of the Lower Kiewa.

The project is funded out of the $21.75 million of the $223.8 million Victorian Government’s investment in waterway and catchment health from 2021-2024 under Water for Victoria.

Further information is available on the North East CMA website at https://www.necma.vic.gov.au/Projects/Current-projects/Lower-Kiewa-Catchment-Stewardship-Project


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