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Thursday, 30 June 2022

Headwater invasive woody weed control

Did you know that the pristine headwaters of the Upper Ovens River are under threat from invasive weeds?

Salix cinerea, commonly known as grey sallow willow, is an invasive introduced willow species that has colonised areas of the Victorian alpine environment.

The Upper Ovens Flagship Project sets out to identify locations of grey sallow willow using drone and aerial surveillance. The willow infestations are then identified in the landscape and specialist remote contractors are sent in to treat the problem areas.

This multi year project sets out to preserve our pristine Headwaters and is delivered in partnership with Traditional Owner groups, DELWP, Arthur Rylah Institute, Monash University and the four CMAs spanning the Victorian Alps including North East CMA, and Parks Victoria.


1. The Willow catkin can disperse its seed up to 100km.

2. Willow infestation can choke a peatland or stream in the headwaters.


Categories: General, News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 809

