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Funding boost set to help protect Woodlands & Wetlands


Private Landholders will share in just over $127,000 in funding to protect and enhance nationally threatened vegetation communities. The North East CMA will work in partnership with Trust for Nature on these projects which will include a range of activities that will help protect and restore Box Gum Grassy Woodlands and Seasonally Herbaceous Wetlands.

For more information on these Announcements refer to the Media Release below:

Woodlands and Wetlands Incentives Announcement Media Release 

One of the successful landholders is David Elder who will use the funding to fence off 6.3 hectares of woodlands on his property in Bethanga. If you would like to hear more about this particular property and what he is doing to protect and enhance his land refer to the Case Study:  

Case Study: David Elder, Bethanga

Photo: Participant of the Woodlands and Wetlands Project David Elder.  Photo Credit: Manifeasto Photography, 2015

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 10684

