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Waterway Funding Available for Flood Impacted Landholders

11 February 2019

The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has announced assistance for landholders impacted by the 13 December 2018 flood event in north east Victoria. 

Landholders with rivers, creeks or streams that were impacted by the flood are invited to apply for funding for fencing, off-stream water points, revegetation, bank stabilisation and weed control.

The funding has been made available as part of the Waterway Incentives Program from the North East CMA. This program supports landholders and community groups improve the condition and extent of riparian land along waterways and wetlands. The funding is provided through the Victorian Government’s $222 million investment over four years to improve the health of waterways and catchments through the Regional Riparian Action Plan.

The North East CMA will also be assessing damage to in-stream structures to determine what financial assistance may be available for repairs.

An Expression of Interest (EOI) period will run for three weeks. Application forms are available on the CMA website: https://www.necma.vic.gov.au/Solutions/Grants-Incentives or by calling 1300 216 513. Deadline extended to 12 March 2019.

On 13 December 2018 the North East region experienced isolated thunderstorms that delivered more than 200mm in a 24-hour period in some locations. Although significant rainfall was received across the region, higher rainfall totals in the area bounded by Tarrawingee, Beechworth and Myrtleford resulted in flash flooding, overland flows and minor flooding of tributaries of the Ovens River. Tributaries affected include Reedy Creek, Hodgsons Creek, Crabhole Creek, Horseshoe Creek, Burgoigee Creek and Barwidgee Creek catchments.

The flash flooding and overland flows were unprecedented in living memory and resulted in significant asset damage to roads, bridges and culverts as well as private assets.  Commonwealth Funding is also being sought by Regional Roads Victoria, Rural City of Wangaratta and North East CMA to repair essential public assets such as bridges, roads and culverts that were damaged.


Click here for information about this program, including a fact sheet and Expression of Interest form.

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5642

