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River bank stability project to take place at Tronah

Media Release 14 February 2019

During February the North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) will be implementing repairs to an essential fire access track and associated river bank stability works on the Ovens River East Branch at Harrietville, upstream of the Tronoh Dredge Hole Reserve. The works will address significant bank erosion issues that damaged an essential fire track in the 2016 flooding. The works are part of a larger program to address flood damage from 2016 in the Upper Ovens Valley.
Kelly Behrens, Manager Program Implementation with the North East CMA, said “These works will restore an essential fire access track that was washed out in the 2016 flooding event and is of high priority to repair to enable on-going vehicle access”.
The works are jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Victoria under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).
The project will require a large number of truck movements along the Great Alpine Road and Feathertop Track for a number of weeks. Residents along Feathertop Track should have received a letter in the mail to advise them of the works that will be undertaken. There may also be some raised dust as a result of truck movements. A dust suppression strategy will been implemented to try to minimise inconvenience to local residents.
The works will begin in mid-February and are expected to be complete by mid-March 2019.
For further information contact the North East CMA on 1300 216 513.

Author: Anonym

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5375

