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Online climate change adaption tool for agriculture ready for launch

Online climate change adaption tool for agriculture ready for launch

The North East CMA is readying to launch an innovative new online tool to support the agriculture sector in North East Victoria effectively adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Developed in conjunction with industry and local government, the new website is designed to assist landholders and local government prepare practical, sustainable strategies to adapt to significant changes in regional climatic conditions. The interactive site includes climate modelling and prediction mapping, case studies and in-depth technical reports.

Following an extensive period of consultation with industry and local government, the North East CMA worked with climate modelling experts Natural Decisions and data mapping specialists Spatial Vision to bench-mark current climate data and develop the modelling tools.

The climate data includes the latest climate projection information available from CSIRO with projections provided for 2030 and 2050, including a range of climate change scenarios such as extreme heat, rainfall and evaporation compared with a baseline climate period of 1986 to 2005.

Lachlan Campbell, Project Manager, North East CMA said, ‘We’ve been able to model the impact of climate change on agriculture sectors and local government, including extremes in heat and cold. We‘ve also seen modelling on how yields for certain commodities could be impacted. This has obvious implications for the sustainability of the industry as a whole.”

Mr Campbell believes the website will become a vital piece in the toolbox of modern farmers, and the information used widely to inform strategic business decisions.

“This is the way forward for North East Victorian agriculture”, said Mr Campbell. “The website is easy to use and navigate, and includes industry-specific data for the grazing, cropping, dairy, horticulture, viticulture and forestry sectors.

“We encourage landholders to join us at the website launch in Myrtleford this month. We’ve got a great line-up of climate and agricultural experts including CSIRO’s Dr Dane Thomas, and Professor Snow Barlow from Melbourne University to share an interpretive analysis with the audience.”

The website will be officially launched on Wednesday 28 August, at the Club Savoy, Myrtleford. Bookings are available through the North East CMA website.

The project Embedding Climate Adaptation in Agriculture is supported by the North East CMA through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program (NLP).

Further information is available by contacting Lachlan Campbell on 1300 216 513 or 02 6043 7672 and via email on lachlan.campbell@necma.vic.gov.au.



Author: Katie Bowker

Categories: News, Media ReleaseNumber of views: 5725

