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CEO resigns

CHIEF executive Neil McCarthy farewelled North East Catchment Management Authority on January 5, and interim CEO Tony Long joined the organisation on January 8.

River Basin Management Society Award winners

North East CMA has won the River Basin Management Society award for our Mid King River Action Group project!

Beetlemania in the Mitta Valley

BEETLEMANIA hit Mitta Mitta on September 28 when a spring-active dung beetle was introduced to Victorian soil for the first time.

Tributes flow for successful grazier and conservation visionary

Natural Resource Management and conservation agencies are paying respect to the iconic Dockers Plains Pastoral Company, Mr John Paul, who passed away on 9 July.

John Paul had a remarkable love of the Lower Ovens River and he strived to find ways to strike the balance of sustainability and farming, and was committed to managing a sensitive environment while running a grazing operation.

2015-16 Event Funding Program is NOW OPEN in the Alpine Shire

The Alpine Shire Council has set aside funds to provide financial assistance to event organisers in the 2015-16 financial year. The funding is available in the form of sponsorship or logistical support. Any event organiser seeking Council assistance to stage an event in the Alpine Shire is encouraged to submit an application, including those only requesting logistical or in-kind support. Go to the Alpine Shire Council website for further information.

