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Australian Wool Innovation announces further support for wild dog control

Good news for wild dog control with the announcement of more support for the Wild Dog project. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) will hold a series of community workshops during Autumn to review the current 2014/2015 Wild Dog Management Zones Work Plans. If you are interested in providing some input into the plans go along to one of the workshops during March and April - details of workshop locations and times can be found in the 'Taking Control' Summer 2015 newsletter.

Customer service charter

The North East Catchment Management Authority's values and guiding principles form the basis of our customer service standards.

RLF News

The January 2015 News update by the Regional Landcare Facilitators is available.

Victorian CMA's Actions and Achievements Report 2013-14

This Report highlights the practical actions delivered with Victorian Government funding in partnership with Catchment Management Authorities, the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Parks Victoria, water authorities, regional communities, local government, businesses and landholders. 

The Actions and Achievements Report 2013/14 demonstrates the ongoing achievements of this partnership and shows the broad range of activities undertaken across Victoria’s catchments to improve the environmental condition of Victoria’s waterways, land and biodiversity.

The report includes case studies from each region to demonstrate the variety of projects underway across Victoria. These projects are improving the environmental condition of Victoria’s waterways, land and biodiversity.

These achievements have all been delivered through Victorian Government funding and coordinated by the 10 Catchment Management Authorities.

Recreational Fishing Grants Program 2014-2015

The Recreational Fishing Grants Program is an annual program that reinvests revenue raised from the sale of Recreational Fishing Licences to projects that will improve recreational fishing in Victoria.

To ensure the highest quality applicants for these grants, the North East CMA encourages groups to read through the guidelines and then get in touch via one of the Catchment Coordintors who are available to assist with technical advice, industry contacts or possible partners with similar interests. 

