Explore these works in a new video narrated by North East CMA Waterways Project Officer Michael Broughton
Habitat works completed on the Mitta River at Eskdale
Works have been completed on the Mitta Mitta River at Katie Peters Reserve at Eskdale, aimed at restoring fish habitat and increasing the fish population in the river.
The project received $39,381.20 in 2020 from the Victorian Government’s Recreational Fishing Large Grants Program.
North East CMA has installed large rocks (rock seeding) and timber structures (known as LUNKERS) in the river at Katie Peters Reserve to create overhead cover and resting areas for the fish.
The project was supported by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning; the Murray-Darling Basin Authority; Crown Land Management; and Goulburn Murray Water.

Creating a Safe Haven for Native Fish in the Mitta Mitta River
The Mitta Mitta River Rehabilitation project is a three year project and is playing a vital role in improving the survival rates and spawning opportunities for native fish. Thanks to funding from the Victorian Government using Recreational Fishing Licence Fees, this program focuses on re-snagging the river to increase native fish populations. This project will improve in-stream habitat in the Mitta River to boost survival rates and provide better spawning opportunities for native species.
The project is currently underway on the Mitta Mitta River from Eskdale to the Lake Hume high water mark.
The North East CMA is asking for your input and help in identifying suitable sites for instream habitat and information on accessing large wood for this project.
If you know of an ideal location on the Mitta Mitta River that could be rehabilitated or a source of large wood that may be used as part of this project please contact North East CMA:
Mick Broughton (Waterways Project Officer)
Mobile: 0409 009 073
Phone: 02 6043 7691
Email: michael.broughton@necma.vic.gov.au
This project maintains and enhances the health of Biodiversity while working within the Agriculture Landscape, as defined in the North East Regional Catchment Strategy